Tuesday, December 16, 2014

rock n roll school lunch

today I was inspired by Dylan's ugly school sandwich. I was like "why doesn't anybody write an anonymous blog or whatever about a new school lunch item every week and write snarky commentary?" from now on, this blob will now be dedicated to HA no way never. BUUUUTT, you can find our shenanigans at @rocknrollschoollunch (inspired by the late, great Wesley Willis's "Rock n Roll McDonald's"). yeah, it's an anonymous acct, but I am counting on the fact that most of you are from the Netherlands (crowd cheers) or the Philippines (crowd roars)and won't hold this against me.

ANYHOW, entered the Scholastic Art and Writing National Contest today (the day before the deadline, in my fashion). I finished my last piece this morning. WELL, HERE IT ISSSS. I had to give it a title (grrrr), so I titled it "Manus" (Latin word for hand) because LOL PRETENTIOUS AND ARTSY WHAT A COMBINATION!!!! No, I just couldn't think of anything and Latin = origins and the drawing was pretty technical so ya know . . .